Salesforce NPC

Connect WeGive to Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud to create a robust and fully integrated platform.

WeGive's bi-directional two-way integration with Salesforce's Nonprofit Cloud ensures comprehensive real-time data synchronization between the two platforms. Here's a high-level overview:

  1. Person Account Synchronization:
    • All contacts, accounts (including households and companies), and person accounts in Salesforce are synced with supporters in WeGive.
  2. Campaigns and Financial Data:
    • Salesforce campaigns, general accounting units (GAUs), and gift records sync seamlessly with corresponding data objects in WeGive.
    • Opportunities and gift commitments, such as recurring plans and pledge plans, are also synchronized between the two systems.
  3. Real-Time Data Sync:
    • The integration supports real-time data synchronization, ensuring that any changes made in Salesforce or WeGive are immediately reflected in both platforms.

This integration allows nonprofit organizations to efficiently manage donor information, financial records, and campaigns, leveraging the robust capabilities of both Salesforce's Nonprofit Cloud and WeGive.