Request a Demo of WeGive

All-in-One solution for your giving, donor portal and communications.

Power more meaningful digital relationships.

Example of an ideal donor portal for a nonprofit organization or ministry.
The emotion of charitable giving.
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Frequently asked questions

How secure is our Donors' personal information?

All our payments are PCI level 1 compliant. Donor information is completely encrypted and tokenized, so even we couldn't access it if we wanted to. Your donor's information is safe.

What are the different ways to integrate WeGive on our site?

Charities add us to their website using a web page we automatically create and host for you, or by copy-and-pasting our pop-up widget onto their website, or adding us to a subdomain like

What kind of integrations do you guys have?

We have direct integrations with every major Nonprofit CRM and we have over 5,000 3rd party integrations through Zapier.

Can we customize what features we have on our donor platform?

Yes. It's very important to our non-profits that they are able to control and customize their donor platform and experience. We don't just allow you to edit the colors, we allow you to pick-and-choose your features.

What's the difference between Bank Login and eCheck?

With Bank Login, the donor logs into their bank account with their username and password. With eCheck, the donor enters their account number and routing number manually.

No platform fee? How do you guys make money?

We don't believe that charities should pay a percent of payments (platform fee) on top of the standard processing fees they already pay.